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Everson, N. Levett-Jones, T. & Pitt, V. (2018). The impact of educational interventions on the empathic concern of health professional students: A literature review. Nurse Education in Practice. 31, 104-111. DOI:
Everson, N. Levett-Jones, T., Pitt, V., Lapkin, S., Van Der Riet, P., Rossiter, R. Jones, D., Gilligan, C. & Courtney-Pratt, H. (2018). Analysis of the Empathic Concern subscale of the Emotional Response Questionnaire in a study evaluating the impact of a 3D cultural simulation. International Journal of Nursing Education Studies, 15(1), 1-14. DOI: 10.1515/ijnes-2017-0003.
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Levett-Jones, T., Everson, N. Lapkin, S. (2019). Exploring the impact of a 3D cultural simulation on nursing students’ intention to provide culturally competent care. Clinical Simulation in Nursing.36, 22-29. DOI:
Levett-Jones, T. & Cant, R. (2020). The Empathy Continuum: An evidenced-based teaching model derived from contemporary nursing literature. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 29(7-8), 1026-1040 . DOI:
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Reid-Searl, K., Levett-Jones, T., Lapkin, S. Jakimowicz, S. Hunter, J. & Rawlings-Anderson, K. (2020). A pre-post evaluation of the ‘empathic care of a vulnerable older person’ e-simulation. Nurse Education Today, 88, 104375. DOI:
River, J. (2018). Diverse and dynamic interactions: A model of suicidal men’s help-seeking as it relates to health services. American Journal of Men’s Health, 21(1), 150-159. DOI: 10.1177/1557988316661486
River, J. & Flood, M. (2021). Masculinities, emotions and men’s suicide, Sociology of Health and Illness, DOI:
Rossiter, C., Levett-Jones, T. & Pich, J. (2020). The impact of person-centred care on patient safety: An umbrella review of systematic reviews. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 109 (103658). DOI:
Smith, J. & Palesy, D. (2018). Technology stress in perioperative nursing: AN ongoing concern. Journal of Perioperative Nursing. 31(2), 23-26. DOI:
Thapa, D., West, S., Levett-Jones, T. Cleary, M. (online 2021). Burnout, compassion fatigue and resilience among healthcare professionals. Nursing a & Health Sciences. DOI:
Tunks Leach, K., Levett-Jones, T. & Lewis, J. (2020). Staff perceptions on the role and value of chaplains in first responder and military settings: A scoping review. Journal of High Threat and Austere Medicine. 2(1),1-16. DOI:
Tunks Leach, K., Lewis, J., Simpson, P. & Levett-Jones, T. (2022). The role and value of chaplains in an Australian ambulance service: A comparative study of chaplain and paramedic perspectives. Journal of Religion and Health. DOI: 10.1007/s10943-022-01685-4
Ward, A., Mandrusiak, A. & Levett-Jones, T. (2018). Cultural empathy in physiotherapy students: A pre-test post-test study utilising virtual simulation. Physiotherapy.104, 453-461. DOI:
Wells, R., Rhodes, P., Boydell, K., Buus, N., & River, J. (2020). Dialogical Inquiry: Multivocality and the interpretation of text. Qualitative Research. DOI: